Study Guide / Outline
- Scripture Reference: None
- Description: Introduction to the book of Isaiah and its significance.
- Main Points:
- Isaiah is a profound book in the Bible.
- It contains a message of hope, redemption, and salvation.
- Isaiah’s prophecies span a wide range of topics and time periods.
Chapters 1 through 6
- Scripture Reference: Isaiah 1-6
- Description: Isaiah’s call to prophethood and early warnings to Israel.
- Main Points:
- Isaiah’s divine calling and commission.
- Israel’s rebellion and God’s call to repentance.
- The vision of God’s holiness in the temple.
- The promise of a remnant that will be saved.
Chapters 7 through 12
- Scripture Reference: Isaiah 7-12
- Description: Prophecies related to the Immanuel sign and future hope.
- Main Points:
- The prophecy of the virgin birth and the coming Immanuel.
- Assurance of God’s protection for Judah.
- Songs of praise for God’s salvation.
- The promise of a righteous Branch from Jesse.
Chapters 13 through 23
- Scripture Reference: Isaiah 13-23
- Description: Oracles against various nations.
- Main Points:
- Pronouncements of judgment against Babylon, Assyria, Tyre, and others.
- God’s sovereignty over the nations.
- Future restoration of Israel.
Chapters 24 through 27
- Scripture Reference: Isaiah 24-27
- Description: Apocalyptic visions and eschatological themes.
- Main Points:
- A vision of global judgment and restoration.
- Praise for God’s deliverance and protection.
- The defeat of the Leviathan and the resurrection of the dead.
Chapters 28 through 35
- Scripture Reference: Isaiah 28-35
- Description: Messages of warning and hope for Judah.
- Main Points:
- Warnings against drunkenness and rebellion.
- The promise of a cornerstone (Messiah) and a highway of holiness.
- God’s protection for Jerusalem.
Chapters 36 through 39
- Scripture Reference: Isaiah 36-39
- Description: Historical accounts of King Hezekiah and Isaiah’s prophecies.
- Main Points:
- The Assyrian invasion and God’s deliverance.
- King Hezekiah’s illness and recovery.
- The Babylonian exile prophecy.
Chapters 40 through 48
- Scripture Reference: Isaiah 40-48
- Description: Comfort and salvation for God’s people.
- Main Points:
- The promise of comfort and redemption.
- The uniqueness and power of God.
- God’s challenge to idols and the prophecy of Cyrus.
Chapters 49 through 53
- Scripture Reference: Isaiah 49-53
- Description: Detailed prophecy of the Servant of Jehovah (Messiah).
- Main Points:
- The Servant’s mission to bring salvation to all.
- The suffering and rejection of the Servant.
- The substitutionary atonement and justification through the Servant.
Chapters 54 through 56
- Scripture Reference: Isaiah 54-56
- Description: Blessings for the church and invitation to all.
- Main Points:
- God’s promise to never forsake His people.
- An invitation for all, regardless of nationality, to come to God.
- The unity of believers in the church.
Chapters 57 through 59
- Scripture Reference: Isaiah 57-59
- Description: Confrontation of Israel’s hypocrisy and warnings.
- Main Points:
- Israel’s hypocrisy and sinful practices.
- God’s warning of impending judgment.
- The call to repentance and righteousness.
Chapters 60 through 66
- Scripture Reference: Isaiah 60-66
- Description: Portrayal of the Messianic age and the future of God’s kingdom.
- Main Points:
- The blessings and glory of the Messianic age.
- The gathering of nations to God’s people.
- The assurance that God always has a faithful remnant.
Lesson Content