Ecclesiastes Study Guide
- Authorship: The book is attributed to King Solomon.
- Title: Ecclesiastes, derived from the Hebrew term “koheleth,” means “the preacher” or “the assembler.”
- Purpose: To provide wisdom, comfort, encouragement, and direction to God’s people.
- The central theme is the vanity and fleeting nature of earthly pursuits apart from God.
- The author’s aim is to lead readers to recognize their responsibility to respect God and keep His commandments.
Chapter 1: Vanity of Wisdom
- The vanity of worldly wisdom is highlighted.
- Wisdom of this world, apart from God, is considered empty and vain.
- The pursuit of worldly wisdom results in grief and sorrow.
Chapter 2: Vanity of Pleasure
- The pursuit of pleasure is explored.
- Despite enjoying all that he desired, the author found it all to be vanity and a vexation of spirit.
- Working hard for worldly gain without God leads to futility.
Chapter 3: The Providence of God
- The providence of God is discussed.
- There is a time and season for everything, and God is in control.
- God’s timing should be trusted, and contentment should be found in every season.
Chapters 4-6: Vanity and Oppression
- Oppression, envy, and the pursuit of riches are described as vanity.
- The author warns against bringing worldly standards into the house of God.
- Believers should not live according to worldly wisdom but seek God’s guidance.
Chapter 7-11: Words of Wisdom
- The author advises young people to seek words of wisdom.
- The end of a matter is better than the beginning; readers are encouraged not to murmur about their present condition.
- The key is to honor God and follow His commandments.
Chapter 12: The Conclusion
- The author concludes by emphasizing the fear/respect of God and keeping His commandments.
- The Word of God is presented as the ultimate source of wisdom and guidance.
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