Lesson 6 of 8
In Progress


Study Guide / Outline


  • The speaker begins by discussing the concept of holiness and its importance.
  • Emphasis on being priests who minister what is already done.
  • The primary message to convey to the world is that forgiveness of sins has already been provided.
  • The speaker expresses gratitude for Jesus’ sacrifice.

The Code of Holiness in Leviticus

  • Introduction to the second half of the book of Leviticus.
  • Mention of the code of holiness presented in these chapters.
  • Emphasis on living from a standard within, not just following a code.
  • Holiness is defined as an inherent part of who believers are.
  • The Old Testament presents the same Christ as the New Testament.

The Magnitude of God’s Redemption

  • Discussion of sacrifices in Leviticus and their significance.
  • Highlighting the magnitude of Jesus Christ’s death as a life for a life.
  • Personal and grand-scale significance of Jesus’ sacrifice.
  • Emphasis on God’s goodness in providing redemption.

Conclusion and Reflection

  • Prayer thanking God for His sacrifice and expressing a desire to reflect His truth.
  • Acknowledgment that believers are set apart and made holy.
  • Believers are encouraged to live out their righteousness.
  • Reflection on the impact of Jesus’ sacrifice on believers’ lives.