Study Guide / Outline
- Overview of the text discussing the history of Israel and Judah.
- Setting the stage for the division between Northern Israel and Judah.
- No specific scriptures mentioned in this section.
The Division of the Kingdom
- Explanation of how the kingdom of Israel was divided.
- Mention of Jeroboam being chosen as king of Northern Israel.
- Key point: Division between the northern and southern kingdoms.
- Scripture: Reference to 1 Kings 11:26.
The Worship of Jehovah in the Northern Kingdom
- Description of the northern kingdom’s worship of Jehovah before the division.
- Emphasis on the importance of the temple in Jerusalem.
- Main point: The temple as the centerpiece of worship.
- No specific scriptures mentioned in this section.
Jeroboam’s Introduction of Idol Worship
- Discussion of Jeroboam’s actions to maintain division.
- Introduction of the golden calves and idol worship.
- Main point: Jeroboam’s introduction of idolatry to control the people.
- No specific scriptures mentioned in this section.
Rapid Decline into Idolatry
- Explanation of how Northern Israel quickly fell into idolatry.
- Mention of Israel’s national religion becoming Baal worship.
- Main point: The rapid decline and departure from true worship.
- No specific scriptures mentioned in this section.
God’s Warning Through a Prophet
- Description of a prophet denouncing Jeroboam’s altar.
- Mention of a miraculous sign accompanying the denunciation.
- Main point: God’s warning against false worship.
- No specific scriptures mentioned in this section.
The Northern Kingdom’s Continuous Idol Worship
- Discussion of how every king of Israel followed the sin of Jeroboam.
- Emphasis on the denial of Israel’s theocratic nation status.
- Main point: Continual idol worship and departure from God.
- No specific scriptures mentioned in this section.
Submission to God and Protection
- Explanation of the concept of submission to God.
- Mention of submission as protection, wisdom, and direction.
- Main point: Submission to God as essential for protection.
- No specific scriptures mentioned in this section.
Periods of Enmity and Harmony
- Introduction of periods of enmity and harmony between the kingdoms.
- Explanation of the striking contrast between Israel and Judah.
- Main point: Contrasting histories of Israel and Judah.
- No specific scriptures mentioned in this section.
Ahab and Jehoshaphat
- Description of the reigns of Ahab and Jehoshaphat.
- Mention of Ahab’s marriage to Jezebel and promotion of Baal worship.
- Main point: Ahab’s wickedness and influence of Jezebel.
- No specific scriptures mentioned in this section.
The Rise of Elijah
- Introduction of the prophet Elijah as a mighty servant of God.
- Description of miracles performed by Elijah.
- Main point: Elijah’s role in demonstrating Jehovah as the true God.
- No specific scriptures mentioned in this section.
Elijah’s Confrontation with Ahab
- Discussion of Elijah’s pronouncement of a drought to Ahab.
- Mention of the miraculous supply of food during the drought.
- Main point: Elijah’s confrontation with Ahab and the drought.
- No specific scriptures mentioned in this section.
The Contest at Mount Carmel
- Description of the famous contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal.
- Mention of the fire coming down from heaven as a sign.
- Main point: Victory of Jehovah over the prophets of Baal.
- No specific scriptures mentioned in this section.
Ahab’s Temporary Repentance
- Explanation of Ahab briefly turning to Jehovah and God’s help in battle.
- Mention of Jezebel’s continued influence.
- Main point: Ahab’s temporary repentance and return to sin.
- No specific scriptures mentioned in this section.
Elijah’s Pronouncement of Judgment
- Discussion of Elijah’s pronouncement of judgment upon Ahab and his family.
- Mention of Elijah’s miraculous departure into heaven.
- Main point: Judgment upon Ahab and the prophetic ministry of Elijah.
- No specific scriptures mentioned in this section.
- Recap of Elijah’s ministry and his impact on Israel.
- Introduction of Elisha as Elijah’s successor.
- No specific scriptures mentioned in this section.
Lesson Content