Today, I do not intend to talk a lot. I just intend to talk to you so that the family can receive healing. through hard times, through difficult moments, lots of families are going through pain. When you look at the nation and you see the things that are going on, then you know what is going on in families. In Colossians chapter number 3 verse number 13 is our text for today. forgiving one another. If anyone has a complaint against another, even as Christ forgave, you also forgive one another. Now it is important for us to know that God is the author of the family. God is the author of the family. God is the author of the family. When he created man and looked at man and said, it is not good for a man to be alone. and he gave them a command Be fruitful and multiply That was the birthing of the family unit So it is God’s idea The family is God’s idea. And because it’s God’s idea, the family is under heavy attack. It is under heavy attack from the enemy. And there is no multiplication. Now these attacks are both internal and external. The attacks on the family are internal and external. You can see them coming. When they are within, they can eat, these attacks can eat without being noticed. There are rats and moles. mole. So you know what a mole is? The mole eats from underground. So you could be looking for a mole here, but you are seeing its eyes at the end, there at the corner, because it moves underground. A rat will easily be caught by a cat, but a mole will be hiding underground. So the internal enemy or the internal pain or the internal hurt that we go through is more dangerous than the external The internal enemy is worse or more dangerous than an external enemy because the external you can see from far and prepare yourself for it without being known. And in the family, the internal enemy operates even much more than elsewhere. That is why you find in the family, there is a lot of pain, there is a lot of hatred. There are siblings who do not see eye to eye. There are relatives who cannot see eye to eye. And some of them are blood brothers. There are cousins, but they cannot see eye to eye. Because there are woods inside which they are carrying. And at times they try looking for the cause, and don’t even see what the cause was. But they cannot be together. So the family becomes weak. And the nation ends up as a weak nation. So we start blaming one another. The greatest pain you can receive is from a heart that is caused by someone that you love. The one you love, when they hurt you, that heart is more painful enemy coming to slap you on the face. And because it is internal, it keeps eating and keeps eating. So we are faced with sick families. Families that are hurting. But thank God that He has remembered you, that God has remembered us. Because this God who formed the family is the one who has said In Acts 10 verse number 38, we read that God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power doing good and healing all who are oppressed of the enemy. For God was with him. Jesus was anointed to bring healing. And the Bible says in Hebrews 13 and verse number 8 that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. He has not changed. The same God tells Jeremiah, I am the God of all flesh. Is there anything that is too hard for me. So God is our healer. God is the healer of the family. Whatever wounds you may be carrying, the great physician is here. pains you are carrying will be laid down today. And you will lay those pains down today, and you will go home completely healed. Some of the war. It was a special pinch. And if you had one like mine, they would pinch right on the thighs and lift you up and then drop you and pinch you again. You know how to fix you when you have come without shoes. There is a… No, no, no, no, no. There is a woman… Woman is a very good word. What is her name? In English? Dew. Dew. Dew is soft. I’m you. I’m Hey, I’m You are eating here with your own money, with your own money. But there are some things that you have carried. Because when you were growing up, your brother saw that he loved his parents and your parents to be with him. When someone wants to send you, it is you. When someone wants to plant a tree, it is you. When someone wants to go to the toilet, it is you. When someone wants to wash the toilet, it is you. Wakitenga jamulorote niwe, kuenda mutoni niwe, kuosha fiyombo niwe, kuosha nguo niwe, kufagia inje niwe, kina kitu niwe, kuenda kutafuta tobako ya shosho niwe. Maudumothe niwe, mbaka unashidwa kwani ni mimitu. you. In a to You have been beaten by your parents because of your own fault. And you know very well that your brother did this to you. You tried to tell him, Mom, it’s not you. You tried to tell him, Dad, it’s not you. Everyone said it’s you. Instead of asking your brother, they asked you. you. the To the Musa al-Wakumi na sabba. Jeremiah 13 and Musa al-Wakumi na sabba, even if you are not your same, in Jeremiah 30 and verse number 17, I will restore health to you. Ni ta kuregeshe and ta waregeshe afia. And I will heal your wounds. I will restore health and I will heal your wounds. So, I want to say to you, that you are occurring. Every word that you are occurring. It’s going to be healed today. In the name of Jesus Christ. You are healed is going to be restored. In the name of Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus. That today is my day of healing. Today is the day of healing for my family. because we are like share because so when you are thinking of a new idea you can remember how you were punished because you failed something. Therefore, you don’t want to fail again. You didn’t hit the mark. You didn’t hit the mark. You didn’t hit the mark. Punishment came to you. It was so clear that you didn’t want to go back. So what did that do? Paralyzed your thinking. So now you are just thinking average. Today we are coming out of average. I said today we are coming out of average. We are not going to have average believers here. We are not going to have average thinkers here. We are going to have people who are going to do exploits. I am Amen. Amen. I see that time has gone by, I want to leave it there, but I will not leave it. Number one, recognize the need for healing. Recognize the need for healing. For you to receive your healing, and your family healing, you have got to recognize the need for healing. Jesus said it is the sick that need the physician. Those who are whole do not need a physician, but the sick need the physician. I’m Hasha wanaume. Wanaendele hospitale, wakati mambo, ime haribika san. At least I can say that, iyo ne me sige kutahwa kuwa daktare, mwenyewe, daktare, daktare, train. Nyekoba, a lot of men go to see the doctor when the situation has become so bad, so unbearable. That’s when they go to the doctor. But had they come earlier, the situation would have been turned around. come earlier, the situation would have been turned around. you are causing. Then you will need to take a step. How do you recognize? By looking back at that which pulls you down. What is this that agitates me? It makes me feel I don’t want to see so and so. I don’t want to be with so and so. What is that? That which is keeping you from going home. Ask yourself, when did I go to see my parents last? When did I talk to my brother last. And what is keeping me from that? Then you realize I need healing in that area. Because you, who is hearing me now, have been appointed by God. Go to become the channel through which healing comes into your family. So find out. Find out. And the moment you know, take a step. So the first thing is to acknowledge that you need help to realize that there needs to be change. You realize that you need to release some of that weight you have been carrying for a long time. You need to release those woes that you have carried for a long time. You find yourself, you pray, you fast, you read the Bible, you are prayed for, hands are laid on you, but nothing is changing because of the wounds that you are carrying until and unless you come to to recognize that you need healing, there will be no healing. Moses missed Canaan land. He talked face to face. It is Moses who told God, you have been talking to me, talking to me. Now, I want to see your face. I want to see your face. And God told Moses, you can’t see my face and leave. But I will do you a favor. I will hide you in the crest of a rock. And I will cover you with my hand. Then I will pass. And you can see my back. By the time Moses left that place, even Israel was running away from him because of the glory of just seeing the back. He was filled with the glory. So he had to put on a veil to cover that glory so that Israel does not run away. He was carrying anger. He is a man who argued with God. Talked with God. But he never dealt with that. There are things which you have got to deal with yourself. You have got to identify them. You are born again, but you will go there having endured life here on earth. But to take rid of the endurance, then you need to capture the word and apply the word in your life so that some of those things, you deal with them. You go to the hospital. Blood has been sucked. You have sucked the liver. You have sucked the heart. You have sucked the temperature. They have done tests. You have passed it in the hospital I’m level six. I’m I’m Let me put it in English. You are your own doctor. This is doctor you. You check within yourself and you find out what is this that makes me not want to see my brother? What is this that makes me not visit my mother? What is this that causes us to fight every time we come together? What is this that makes us not be united and even fear one another that you may be killed by your siblings What is this? It is you to find out And my prayer for you is that the Holy Spirit will search your heart and lead you to knowledge, take you to a place of knowing. This is what you need to deal with. This is the area you need healing. After recognizing what that is, number two, learn how to forgive or be ready to forgive or just forgive How do I forgive? As Christ forgave you, forgive one another. How did Christ forgive you? Christ did not wait until you apologized. He paid for your sins before you were ever born. He paid for the sins of mankind. The mankind is Christian, or Hindu, or Muslim, or Jew, or Jain, or whatever religion you belong to, or you don’t belong to a religion. Can I tell you for free? Your sins are paid for. You have paid for your sins. You have paid for your sins. Your sins have been paid for. Your sins have been paid for. And you have forgiven them. Now, the only thing left is for you to accept. You say, today, I have accepted. So the work Jesus did in the desert was in my hands. So I accept that my sins have been forgiven. Because you are there, or you were there. That day Jesus went to the desert. He heard that there were five of you, and he wanted to go to the desert. He said, let me go there and throw stones at you. No. Jesus went to the desert. Yes, we’re in the games Alabama. I’ll be in the once and for wrong That’s why that’s why I can say my who so ever believes in him should not perish but have Everlasting life. So what you need to connect your itadji the kumara mini. Yeah I will restore to you your health. I will heal your heart. I will restore to you your soul. I will restore to you your heart. I will restore to you your health. I will heal your wounds. Now, why do you take the sword and the sword? I’m Mama, mama, mama, you. Query. Query. Query. forgiveness is the foundation of your healing. Forgiveness is the foundation of your healing. Forgive your sins. And when you put a good sin, that sin helps the house to grow well. So, my prayer is that today you will take advantage of that the Lord has given to us so that you may learn or be ready and be willing to forgive. And forgiveness is what we have forgiven. Jesus did not come to make someone apologize. That means within you, he has put that capacity, that ability, that you can forgive without I’m sorry. Yes. to some to some to some people. and then you are able to forgive Why do we want dead in our trespasses? Why do we want dead in our trespasses? I’m And I didn’t know I was cursing him. You, offenses will come. He even curses me, not me, so it’s true. So it’s true. And that’s what marriage is. That’s what marriage is. You curse here and there, it’s true. We’re studying well. So we’ve got to get to that point. We’ve got to get to that point. You know, to that point, that’s what you think in my heart. Yeah, I’m baffled. You know, say you know, offenses will come, but you don’t have to receive that offense. So let’s see. You look at the situation and you say this one, I’m not going to receive this one. I have decided you are not going to offend me. I have decided who can because of okay, okay, okay. because the offenses are there. I’m You should not have entered that category of people who cannot help you because of the income you are carrying. Get to the point where you say, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I’m because you are doing your job? No. And the job is mine? No. Get to a point where you make a decision and say, I have decided not to be annoyed. Tell him, it will take a lot of effort for you to annoy me. So forgive. Katika forgiving, in forgiving, there are one or two, three things I would like to mention to you. In forgiving, katika kusamehe, lazima, you have got to learn to forgive yourself first. Learn to forgive yourself first. Because that’s the crux of the matter. That’s where the road, is it the road or the rubber? Which meets which? The rubber meets the road. So both of them meet. The first thing, to family healing is you forgiving yourself. Many of us, many of us judge ourselves harshly, terribly harshly. I I’m I’m a bus. I was going to Kupubiri Nakuru. I read Barua. I told him, Barua, you are not going to spoil my weekend. I turned around and put it on my desk. Where did I go? I went to the bank and asked them. They told me, I told them, no, they did the calculation. You have got to pay this much money in three years’ time. I told them, okay, that I will do. I organized. So at that time I organized and I paid them off. Within those three months, we paid them off. We paid all the buses off. So I was talking with the bank manager. I told him, you know, the problem is over. We met again and I told him, God has helped me, the problem is over. I will not take a loan from the bank again. The manager told me, Bishop, you are judging yourself too harshly. You are judging yourself too harshly. You need to congratulate yourself because you were able to finish the time you said you would finish. I thought, I saw, I think he is right. Many times we judge ourselves too harshly because you made a mistake. Many times we condemn ourselves because of some stupid thing that we did. You’ve got to come up, come alive and don’t kill yourself. Don’t judge yourself too harshly. Be ready to forgive yourself. Realize this, there is nobody who is immune to mistakes. Hakuna mutu ambayo hafanyagi makosa. Just because you made a stupid mistake when you are in class 7, it does not mean that you are condemned by that Don’t kill yourself. forgive yourself. I feel so bad, I feel like I can kill myself. You, my friend, forgive yourself. Why do you think people kill themselves? Because they are judging themselves too harshly. That’s why they commit suicide. You are not a candidate for suicide. I said you are not a candidate for suicide. You shall not condemn yourself. I said you will not condemn yourself. You will not condemn yourself. You will not condemn yourself. You will not condemn yourself. I’m I’m I’m Amen. you. When we talk of forgiveness, When we talk of forgiveness, When we talk of forgiveness, you are not perfect. you. So learn to forgive yourself. all our sins. All our sins. To bear, He bears our sins. I have one now, Lisa, oh what peace! Oh what peace we often forfeit. Can we have in Jesus All our sins and griefs to bear What a privilege we carry Everything to God in prayer. Aha! Oh what peace! Oh what peace we often forfeit! Ask yourself, how much peace you often forfeit! needless pain we bear. Needless pain. That pain you are carrying is needless. I said that pain you are carrying is needless. Do not carry everything, everything, everything to God in prayer. Take that pain to God in prayer. Take that pain, take that mistake, take that stupidity to God in prayer. Give it to him. I am free. I’m free from all sin. I’m free from all evil. I’m free from all fear. I am free. Let’s go back to Eden. Start by forgiving yourself. The men who were arrested, who took the woman to Jesus, they said, This one we caught her in the very act. And Jesus knows that act cannot be done by one person. There’s got to be two. He looks at another one, He says, OK, fine, you caught her in the very act. And your Lord says, you stone her, and you are carrying what? Stones. OK, let’s do it this way. Let the first one, the one who has no sin, be the first one to throw the stones. I’m Why do you want to kill yourself? Because of a makosa you did. Just because you made a stupid decision. You want to kill yourself. You want to finish yourself. You want to go into depression. You made a stupid mistake. Or because you are pregnant. I’m talking to somebody here. You are pregnant. You didn’t want to become pregnant. You are not married, you are singing in the choir, now you want to kill yourself. That’s because you made a stupid mistake and went to somebody in the wrong time. Pana! Forgive yourself! Jisame kwanzaa. Ukisisame kwanzaa, you will take care of the baby in your womb. If you don’t forgive yourself, you become a murderer. Forgive yourself and accept I have made a stupid mistake. You can’t kill your child because they made a mistake. If a girl comes to you and tells you, she tells you, Mom, I’m pregnant. You don’t kill the mother because of a girl? Or you don’t kill the girl because of what she’s carrying? You forgive them. Tell them, you are my daughter. You have let me down, but I will take care of you. So learn to forgive. If you don’t know how to forgive yourself, it becomes very difficult to forgive others. you. Some of these tantrums. You see Some of these tantrums. You see Some of these tantrums. You see in people. You carry that guilt so you want to make everybody feel guilty. When you carry that guilt, you want to sit on everybody. But when you learn to forgive yourself. I will say it again. You come here before you forgive yourself. You did not bring yourself. You did not bring yourself. There is no place here where he does not have his Sharia. So the Sharia here is that when you hear Neno, you tend to say Neno. You know. I’m They go around, they don’t have clothes, they wear shoes. Then they burn themselves in the fire, the fire is burning their blood, because it is a fire, they are burning. You don’t need to do all that, because Jesus poured his blood in the fire of your blood. Are we together? So don’t finish yourself. Today is the day to forgive yourself, And then healing comes into the family. Number two, forgive others. Forgive others. Number two. Number two is B. Call it B. Now this is B. B, learn to forgive others. So we are still on forgiveness. So number one, forgive yourself. Number two, forgive others and learn to forgive others. When? Not when they have asked for forgiveness. Before they ask you for forgiveness. Before they ask you for forgiveness. Before they ask you for forgiveness, you forgive them. That is how to live healthy. That is how to live healthy. It is to learn to forgive those who have wronged you, even before they have wronged you. and I’m God. So, people are the ones who have a problem trying to make you happy because you are a weak man. You have put yourself down. So, learn to forgive others because man was made to be a social being. A human being is a person who lives with another human being. A human being is not living alone in… in in in in So you learn to forgive others. When you forgive somebody, it does not mean that you give them the opportunity to hurt you again. When you forgive somebody, you don’t provide an opportunity for them to hurt you again. So I want to maintain my peace. I’m I’m Pastor. I’m you have got to close that opportunity or that door. You are a bond by blood. You are a bond by blood. You are my brother. You are my brother. Forgive others. So forgive others. C See, learn to ask for forgiveness. Learn to ask for forgiveness. Jifuze kuwomba msamaha. Wakaba umefanya kosa. I am sorry. Five S-O-R-R-Y. Five letters which are very powerful. Learn how to say, I am sorry. Please forgive me. I am sorry. sorry, you have started operating from a point of strength, not weakness. Kule kusema I am sorry is not a sign of weakness. Being sorry is yu kumanishe ya kwaba we ni zaifu amu we ni mnyonge. It is a sign of strength. Ya kwaba you are strong enough. You are courageous enough to carry this. You are courageous enough to take responsibility. you are not a weak person. You are saying you are a strong person. Number two. Number three. Number three. Number one, recognize. Recognize the need for healing. Number two, learn how to forgive. Number three, create an environment. Create an an environment of togetherness. One of the things that you need to do is to learn how to pray together. Learn how to pray together or practice praying together. Praying together does not mean that you you quit your prayer time. No, you create time for you to pray together and maintain your prayer, your personal prayer time. level. I need help from above. So, to let the kufika Mahalia bubble kill him to an honor I am NOT better than anybody and they are not better than me so there is no competition so create those opportunities how you can pray together sequencing the rice squiggly rice what about what a katika zoom neither to find a mom be a zoom you can organize your family prayers with your siblings, with your parents, when you go through Zoom. Even with your children, you can be on Zoom, on a certain day, it’s our day of prayer. So you call that phone, you pray. If you are on Zoom, you can do that telephone conferencing. There is no such thing. That phone that you hear when you are with many people, you. in your assets. If you have that, that is our asset group. I tell them, at some point, we will be praying. You write to them, OK, let’s pray. You put that on WhatsApp. You are praying. They listen to you, they listen to you. The ones who don’t listen are their own people. You are creating unity in that. Prayer unites people. Prayer unites people. Maombi and unite watu. So for there to be family healing, you need to pray, to learn to pray together. Look for things that you can do together. Sing together. Tenge zeni nyimbo, mu ibe pamoja. Tenge zeni mahali, mbapu nala kuena, mu cheke pamoja. Kama ni video, mutaweka muone, mu cheke I’m na kuna towaga tension. Na iyo tension, iki kusha magonjwa ingine, inaenda na iyo tension. So look for those opportunities, create those opportunities. Those opportunities are there. Read the word together. Serve together. Fanya safari pamonja. Travel together. Say we want to move together as a family. We want to do something as a family. That way you bring healing into the family. And remember I’m talking of every manner of sickness, every manner of infirmity. That’s what we are talking about. Be a God-centered family. Be a God-centered family. Purpose. E family will be centered on God. I’m I’m My own be because I want to do a moon what I see here by the time you know Melissa what I love one be aware was a bubble the army my own be able to find it yeah be soft and your yourself so create those opportunities where you can be together with your family because you know you’re you’re cleaning those opportunities because you know that you, having listened to me today, you have been appointed by God to be the channel through which healing shall come into your family. I will say that again. because of you, healing is coming into your family. Amen. Through you, healing is coming into your family. Amen. Healing is coming into your business. Amen. Your family business is being healed. Amen. I said your family business is being healed. Amen. Your personal business is being healed. Amen. Your health is being restored. Amen. I said your health is being restored. Amen. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. the Now, where’s the catiful? Holy Spirit, search me, search my family, reveal to me which area needs healing. Because once that area is healed, even the physical healing appears. That physical sickness disappears. you dealt with the source. you dealt with the source. you dealt with the source. We only have you received the word of the Lord? Have you received the word of the Lord? I pray, I pray that you will experience change in your life. You will experience healing in your life today. I know we have been quiet. I know we have not been as excited as we normally are. But I also know that after this the excitement is going to be greater because of the results that you will see in your life, in your family, in your businesses, in whatever you do in the name of Jesus Christ. What a friend we have in Jesus. And while you are singing what a friend we have in Jesus Let me ask everybody to rise up and sing that song. Let us sing it with meaning. Let’s see the meaning. What a friend we have in Jesus. All our sins and griefs to bear. What a friend we have in Jesus. All our sins and griefs to bear What a privilege, what a privilege to carve Oh, everything, everything to God in prayer Now let’s do it this way, let’s do it I want you to sing This is a prayer This is what we are going to do We are not going to see it on the screen. Have the words on the screen. Sing it with conviction. What a friend I have in Jesus. All my sins and griefs he bears. And as we sing I want you to release those burdens to the Lord. Release those burdens to the Lord. Okay, let’s go. What a friend. What a friend we have in Jesus All our sins and griefs to bear What a privilege What a privilege to have everything, everything to have Oh what peace, oh what peace I’ve opted for Oh faith, what needless love, what needless pain I’ve had And all because, all because of you, Lord God Everything said, everything to God in prayer And how the triumph, how the triumph and death came We shall travel in Him, but nothing is for us We should never be parted because I take Him He keeps the Lord in Heaven, can’t we find Can I find a friend so great And who will love, who will on our sorrows share? And Jesus knows, Jesus knows my every need So I take Him to the Lord, take Him to the Lord in me And I’ll be weak, I’ll be weak and heavy in need We can’t help it now Come back with the Lord Back with the Lord again Oh, precious Savior Precious Savior still again So I take you to the Lord Take you to the Lord in faith, For it is up to thee, Take and cheat, And thou will find, Thou will find thy soul is there. We have a friend in Jesus. We can take our sorrows there. We can take our pains there. We can give him our pains. You don’t have to carry that pain. You don’t have to carry that pain with you. You don’t have to go home with that wound. You can leave that wound at the altar, come to the altar as an indication of saying, I am not living here with any of my wounds. I have decided to forgive myself, I have decided to forgive all others, and I have decided I will ask for forgiveness. You come to the altar and stand right here and tell the Lord this is a new day. What a friend! What a friend we have in Jesus All of our lastings and griefs to bear What a privilege! What a privilege to have Everything Everything, everything to God in prayer And oh what peace, oh what peace we often sought Oh what fearlessness, oh what fearlessness And oh the sovereign cause, oh what because we do not have everything to God And what a friend we have in Jesus Let’s come, let’s come, let’s come, let’s come And stand upon this altar This is the day of your healing This is the day of healing for your family. We can call upon the name of the Lord for the healing of your family. You are saying this is the end of that problem. This is the end of that predicament. This is my day of healing. I come to this altar. I come to this altar for the healing of my family, for the healing of my people, for the healing of my mother, for the healing of my father. And say, leave all your burdens, leave all your burdens, that weight, those wounds you have been carrying, let them be healed this day And let them open you up, that you will not operate in bitterness again, you will not operate in pain again, you will not operate in fear again of Jesus Christ, oh what a strength we have in Jesus All our sins and needs to be Yes, He hears our dreams And the great privilege we have to come to Him that He may take our bodies He’s taking our bodies, oh what peace we offer you, that peace is yours, that peace is yours, talk to the Lord right now, talk to Him right now, for that peace that you have forbidden for a long time, you have been punished, you have been carried for a long time, you leave them right here, you leave them right here, You have been strong and strong as cancer. You have been carrying a curse to a death. But cancer is dying out of your body. But diabetes is dying out of your body. In the name of Jesus. Die now! That bitterness is leaving you now! That pain is leaving you now! That pain is leaving you now! That struggle is leaving you now! This struggle you are becoming is so wonderful! It’s coming to an end! That struggle is coming to an end! That struggle is coming to an end! In the name of Jesus! Talk to the Lord! Talk to the Lord! Talk to the Lord! Talk to the Lord now! Talk to the Lord now! Rosmarie is speaking here in the Spirit! Rosmarie is speaking here in the Spirit right now! In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, your mother’s sickness is being healed right now. Your father’s sickness is being healed right now. Your failures are being healed right now. God’s transgression is their sin, in the name of Jesus! I am a man of God Our Father, our God, we want to thank you for your Word which is forever settled in heaven. Thank you that you give to us a word in season and we have received your word. As we stand upon this altar this day, Lord we announce a new beginning in the life of every one of us. A new chapter opened in our lives. A new page has been opened this day. Lord, upon this altar, we release every weight that we have been carrying. Upon this altar, we release every wound that we have been carrying. We declare today a day of healing. A day of healing. All those wounds are healed this day in the name of Jesus Christ. Father we decree that this day we have received the ability to forgive. And right now every individual, individually, I forgive. Just declare I forgive all those who wronged me. I release every wound that I have been carrying. I forgive myself, I forgive myself, I forgive myself, from the depth of my heart. And because I forgive myself, I receive forgiveness from you Lord. I receive forgiveness from all those I have offended, in the name of Jesus. And right now, Father I seek your forgiveness. On all those that I have offended, that they would forgive me. I come to you this day and declare, it’s a new day you have established in my life. in my life. It’s a new opportunity for success, for victory, for good health, for prosperity, for flourishing that you have given to me this day. I receive it with open hands. I receive it with great joy and great celebration. And I declare that my life will never, ever be the same again. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Celebrate! Celebrate! Celebrate! Celebrate! Celebrate! Celebrate! Celebrate! Celebrate! Celebrate! Now somebody say, I am free! I am free! I am free! In Jesus’ name! In Jesus name, amen. In that freedom, go and sit on your seat. I’m I’m We say, Tayo Poynke, Lili Poynke, U Matai, Ka Peli Moke Tayo Poynke, Lili Poynke, U Matai, Ka Peli Moke Yeah! Yeah! In English we say Oh, oh, glory hallelujah Oh, oh, glory hallelujah Since I laid my burdens down Since I laid my burdens down Since I let my parents down Makes me feel like dancing Makes me feel like dancing Since I let my parents down Since I let my parents down Since I let my parents down Somebody say, Yes! I have received the word of healing for my family, my businesses, in Jesus name, Amen! Amen. You know, when you capture a word like this, you don’t just let it pass. You capture the word, you connect with the word, and you do the word. That is very, very crucial. You capture the word, you connect with that word, and you follow through. And you will see some of you, we key, I’m the following Thursday. I’m I’m You get better. Yes. Oh now rise up and come Not even getting John John John Joseph Not even getting we are going to go up not even getting We are going to go up. What got to my corner was your name? I I’m You who are watching on the social media, you also can give your life to Jesus. You can join this one who are standing here on this altar and give your life to Jesus. So all of us here, we will pray together. I can lead you to receiving Christ. Keep for I’m I’m Jesus. I’m I’m not I’m not just to leave you. It’s I’m not just to leave you. It’s I’m not just to leave you. It’s time for celebration. time for celebration. time for celebration. When one sin repents one, here we When one sin repents one, here we When one sin repents one, here we have to. have to. have to. So there’s going to be So there’s going to be So there’s going to be celebration in here. Are you celebration in here. Are you celebration in here. Are you ready? Okay. One, two, ready? Okay. One, two, 2, 3, Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!
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