Lesson 2 of 3
In Progress

Lesson 2: The Culture Of The Church

Study Guide



  • The pastor provides a recap of the previous week’s message, titled “Marching Orders,” which discussed understanding the culture wars from a Christian perspective.
  • Emphasizes the importance and timeliness of the series as a message from God to stir up the congregation for what He has planned.

Main Points

  • Reinforces the relevance of the series to current spiritual and cultural challenges.
  • Encourages the congregation to listen to previous messages for context and deeper understanding.

Understanding Kingdom Culture


  • The focus is on understanding and walking in “kingdom culture.”
  • Kingdom culture is presented as transformative, affecting every life aspect and unlocking destiny.
  • The significance of the church in learning and operating in kingdom culture is highlighted.

Main Points

  • Kingdom culture is distinct and transformative, different from the world’s culture.
  • Learning and operating in kingdom culture occurs within the context of the church.

Revival and Normal Christianity


  • Revival is redefined not as special events or services but as a return to normal Christianity.
  • Normal Christianity is described as living continually in the power and presence of God, demonstrated through signs, wonders, and miracles.

Main Points

  • Revival is the restoration of Christianity to its original, powerful form.
  • True revival is a consistent lifestyle, not just occasional spiritual outpourings.

The Role of the Mind in Transformation (Romans 12:2)


  • Romans 12:2 is the foundational scripture, focusing on transformation through mind renewal.
  • Discusses the contrast between being conformed to the world and being transformed by God.

Main Points

  • Transformation in the Christian life begins with the renewal of the mind.
  • The renewed mind aligns with God’s thoughts and ways, leading to transformation.

Culture Wars and Believers’ Response


  • Explores the concept of culture wars as a conflict between differing values, beliefs, and practices.
  • The role of believers in these culture wars is to understand and apply the culture of the Kingdom in their lives.

Main Points

  • Culture wars are essentially conflicts over values, beliefs, and practices.
  • Believers must navigate these wars by aligning with kingdom values rather than worldly standards.

Defining and Practicing Kingdom Culture


  • The pastor aims to define and practice kingdom culture throughout the series.
  • Emphasizes the difference between church culture and kingdom culture, with a focus on the latter.

Main Points

  • Kingdom culture transcends typical church culture, focusing more on Christ-likeness.
  • The series will explore practical ways to adopt and live out kingdom culture.

The Importance of Being Planted in God’s House


  • Discusses the importance of being planted in the house of God for flourishing in spiritual life.
  • Explores the concepts of being buried, rooted, and acclimated in the context of spiritual growth.

Main Points

  • Being planted in the house of God is essential for spiritual growth and fruitfulness.
  • Spiritual planting involves deep integration and adaptation to the spiritual environment of the church.

Corporate Anointing and Unity


  • Discusses the power of corporate anointing and the importance of unity in the church.
  • Scripture references include Deuteronomy 32:20 and Psalms 133, emphasizing unity and collective anointing.

Main Points

  • The corporate anointing in a unified church is more powerful than individual anointings.
  • Unity in the church brings a commanded blessing from God and enhances the church’s spiritual impact.

Conclusion: Call to Worship and Commitment


  • The pastor invites the congregation to engage in active worship and commit to the kingdom culture.
  • Emphasizes the power of praise and worship in changing atmospheres and bringing down spiritual barriers.

Main Points

  • Worship and praise are powerful tools for spiritual breakthrough and change.
  • The sermon concludes with a call for personal commitment to God and the culture of His Kingdom.